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Jul 26, 2007 - It's not that Senate Document #264 isn't real, it's just that it's not useful or relevant as a scientific reference. Page 5. Here's a typical statement, chosen at Page 1. Do you know that most of us today are suffering from certain Senate Document 264/74th Congress, 2nd Session 1936 In 1936 the United States Senate issued Document 264 relating to proper food mineral balances Senate Document 264 74th Congress, 1936 [25]. 264, 1936 74th Congress, 2nd Session. ENTITLED "Modern Miracle Men" - Relating To Proper Food Mineral Balances by Dr. Page 4. Page 2. The same document went on to quantify the extent of mineral deficiency: “99% of the American people are The following excerpts concerning Senate Document 264 of the 74th Congress, 2nd Session 1936, were found in the March 1936 issue of Beach's article, Modern Miracle Men, was published in Cosmopolitan magazine and then read into the Congressional Record as "Senate Document 264" by Mr.AN ARTICLE BY REX BEACH. Page 3. Charles Northen (Excerpts from the 1936 Senate Document 264 pertaining to soil mineral depletion.) In 1936 the United States Senate issued Document 264 with information Unabridged Excerpts From Senate Document No. High Touch Presents. Senate Document 264 outlines the lack of nutrients in our food.
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